Friday, July 6, 2012

Here we go again

Hello everyone!
So tomorrow starts another cleaning weekend! Insert groan but knowledge that the satisfying feeling will be coming.  Mom is coming again to help, which is awesome because I just can't get my ass motivated on my own.  First we are tackling the master bedroom by washing walls, dusting, cleaning out the humidifier, and air purifier, and numbering my husbands socks.  I know that last one seems crazy, but if you know the confusing mess of mens socks and their lack of matching and hole-y-ness, then you will understand why I am sorting, matching, tossing the crap, and numbering my husband's socks for my sanity.  After that, we are going after the basement.  The good news is that mom and I have already sorted most of the stuff from a previous organizing adventure.  Now it is just putting it all away and making sure it is all still organized.  It is also an excuse to start the planning of the decorating of my house. Cue cheers!  Don't think that I'm not getting the husband involved.  I'm making him take down the Christmas lights (don't judge), and get rid of the three nasty wasp nests that have appeared on our house.  That is about all he gets to do because he is really not good at cleaning.  He is a black and white type of person.  Either it all stays or it all goes...needless to say this gets really annoying.  
I'm sure there is more that I want to write but it really is just bitching and I don't feel like boring you all with how boys are dumb.  I also am losing my train of thought so this is it.  Good night! Cheers!  


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