Monday, September 26, 2011

Rant and Retreat

I am incredibly annoyed right now.  I figured out a way to build some shelves for cheaper than buying shelving and that can hold quite a bit of weight.  Well my husband decided that he wanted some too.  Guess who's job it was to go get all the supplies?  Guess who did all the measuring, and had to go to 2 stores to get it all?  That's right, me.  So see as it is his shelf and I had already done all the work, I asked him to do the heavy lifting and take the materials from my car to the basement where the I would put the shelf together.  Wouldn't you know it that I got yelled at for being "too lazy" to help him move the things to the basement.  When the shelf was for mainly my things, arts and crafts/storage stuff, I did all the work myself and let me tell you PVC pipe is not that heavy.  OK so right now I don't have a job, and I am at home, so I don't bitch that I have to cook and do the dishes EVERY night, even though it does get old being treated like a maid.  It would be nice though if my husband could at least take his trash to the where? Oh how about a trash can that is about 20 ft from where he sits, only 10 ft round trip out of the way when he goes upstairs to bed.  Instead trash just sits at his desk, on the coffee table, on the kitchen counter, on the floor, on the couch, or anywhere else he decides to put it down.  Or what about his clothes, last I checked the bathroom floor was not a dirty clothes basket.  And don't forget the bedroom floor because his clean clothes have been there for 4 months and I ask him at least twice a week to put away his clothes.  The reason I don't put away his clothes (because I used to), he told me I put them away in the wrong spots and said he wanted to do it himself.  That didn't even last a week.  When I ask him to do something, he tells me he is busy.  It's funny that busy is playing a computer game and watching TV whenever I walk into the office.  He then has the audacity to tell me that I am lazy and the house is never clean because of me.  The ring on my finger does not make me your maid or your slave.  The options I see are to take everything of his that is left out, and lock it up or give him a sticker chart like you would a 5 year old.  I don't know what he would have to do to get it back. I do know that he needs to be taught a lesson that most people learn as children.  He grew up in a house that didn't make the kids put away their things when they were done with them.  **Dear Parents, Future husbands and wives depend on this lesson later in life, so please do your kid a favor and MAKE THEM PUT AWAY THEIR OWN THINGS AND CLEAN UP AFTER THEMSELVES!!** Please don't get me wrong, it's not that the house is spotless besides his things,  I have plenty out.  I get so frustrated with the whole situation that I don't see the point in cleaning anything if he can't pick up after himself.  Oh and I have tried to make a cleaning schedule, and get him to just put things away for 15 min a night...nope he's "busy".  Does anyone else have this problem?  What did you do to help him learn? 
*sigh*deep breaths...I'm not done being angry, but I'm just ranting about the same things over and over again in my head.
On to other news, I participated in the Women in Faith retreat that our church puts on each year this past weekend.  It was good, but I saw some things that could have been improved on.  I think I would have enjoyed it more if I wasn't the only person under 40 there.  I am just at a different part of my life then they are and that changes how I feel about my faith.  I also think the theme felt like a bit of a stretch and was not interesting at all.  It did remind me that I do need to be more christian-like in my actions, and that I need to remember to thank God for the good in my life.  I tend to forget the thanking part because I have a hard time seeing the good in my life. 
I wish I had more to say, and maybe I will next time, but getting only 5 hours of sleep a night for 3 nights when you are used to getting 10, is making this girl fall asleep.  I will get back to you all about the retreat.  Cheers!


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