Thursday, June 9, 2011

Week 2

Alright, so apparently I am not so good at remembering the once a week thing since I haven't written since the 28th.  So here is my list of the good things:

Sunday the 29th- Not having to write lesson plans for the last week of school
Monday the 30th- Day off for Memorial Day
Tuesday the 31st- Getting an idea about what I can do for some extra money next year 
Wednesday the 1st- Realizing I don't have early morning wake ups after Friday
Thursday the 2nd- Getting thank you notes, flowers, and a perry the platypus message board from my parents
Friday the 3rd- Being done cleaning the room at 10:30, margaritas at lunch time
Saturday the 4th- School is out!
Sunday the 5th- Morning cuddle time with my husband
Monday the 6th- Getting to spend time with X
Tuesday the 7th- Finding out the dental surgery I have to have will be relatively easy
Wednesday the 8th- Winery Night with the ladies
Thursday the 9th- First day of summer vacation with nothing to do

Again this week at this time I'm not in the best of moods.  I'm getting sick again, I hurt my knee so I can't bend it without pain, and I keep getting bug bites.  This would make it that I have been sick for about 6 months off and on and the Dr's. keep telling me it's allergies (but how could I be allergic to grass in January?).  My knee was just me being clumsy, but the pain is just irritating.  Finally, I understand that bugs are important for different aspects of life, but really? mosquitoes could be extinct and I really wouldn't miss them.  When I get bug bites they either turn bright red and crayola marker purple, or grow to the size of a quarter and they ITCH until I scratch the tip off and squeeze out the poison.  I also haven't made much progress on my goals.  I'm kinda taking some time to relax after school, but now that I'm thinking about it, I may be avoiding the situation. 

I still don't know what I'm going to do for next year.  I think my main concern right now is money.  My additional money idea is a almost a catering business.  When people have parties (birthdays, selling parties that don't already involve food, even special dates or family dinners), they may not want to cook or clean, well I would do that.  I'm starting by letting friends and family know so that I can test it out.  I'm just charging for the food right now, but once I figure out if I can do it, I'll charge for my time.  I also will make Christmas cookies for pre-order for those busy people. 

I don't have anything else to talk about and I'm really not getting in a better mood.  Sorry this is mostly a bitchfest.  Cheers!


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