It's been over a week since I first posted and a lot has happened. So first I will catch you all up with the good things from this past week plus the extra days.
Friday the 20th-4:00 pm finally getting there
Saturday the 21st-Catching up on all of my shows
Sunday the 22nd-Husband coming home from playing army, finished the last full week of lesson plans
Monday the 23rd-Getting a whole list of things done
Tuesday the 24th-Taking the last pill from the Dr.
Wednesday the 25th-Help from a career counselor
Thursday the 26th- Cute students saying cute things, First workout with the trainer
Friday the 27th- Payday/Doughnut Day, End of Year Celebration, Chocolate Night
Saturday the 28th-New Glee Cd's, and a cute new workout bag
Today is kind of a blue day for me. I'm bummed the husband choose to spend a 3rd weekend away from me so he could go camping with his friends even though he said he would only go 1 night. I'm also pissed at one of his friends for putting my husband and myself at risk for things to go on our driving records...sooo right now is not my most positive moment this week. These things might cloud my judgement in this post, just wanted to give fair warning.
Anyways...I got some GREAT information this week. My mom and I took a trip to check out some colleges on Wednesday to see if I should go back to school next year. First we went to Ashland University and they were so helpful! We stopped at the wrong office so they called the correct office for us, gave water, a personal escort to the correct building, and then I met with a career counselor who helped me see that I'm just frustrated with school systems but not burnt out, and gave me something else that I could look into. After that, we went to the University of Akron. They were the opposite of helpful and I ended up not talking to anyone.
The career counselor suggested I do some research and look into being a counselor or a psychologist of some sort. He said this because from what I was saying he could tell that I wanted to help people and I wanted to do it one on one. I really think I might look into doing this because he is right. I do want to help people and no one is the same so each person needs their own help. He also showed me how to network. I mean how often do you hear people say "you need to network" but who teaches you to network? This guy gave me the things to say, questions to ask, the time frame to call people, and the reasons behind it all. Speaking of him, I need to send him a message saying Thank you.
I also made some progress on another goal. I had my first session with a personal trainer. She had me go through almost all the machines at the gym plus a little bit extra. Friday, the day after, I was sore but nothing too bad. Today I can't unbend my arms without coming close to tears. I know I worked really hard, and it's good for me, but wow, do I hurt. I have orders to do some cardio over the weekend, and my next session is on Tuesday.
I talked to my Mom about how she can stand organized religion this week too. She agreed with me that there are a lot of problems with organized religion such as bigotry, cliques, focus on money, and gossip (don't know that is what a prayer chain is?). Then we talked about the Callie/Arizona wedding on Grey's and how Bailey talked about how the church had not caught up to God because God loves everyone and he is everywhere. I wish more people had that outlook because I think we would be better as a society with fewer hate crimes. On a side note, Old Navy is coming out with some Gay Pride shirts and I totally want one!
I feel this needs to be said as well. I am not gay, I just believe that it is not a choice (why would you say hmm I think I'm going to be gay and choose to be hated for no reason?) and that gay marriage should be allowed because love is love and how many divorces, affairs, or other horrible things happen in church recognized marriages?
Back to me. I think I made some good progress this week on my goals. I even had to deal with PMS and managed to stay mostly positive. I'm starting to get worried about income and making ends meet for next year. I hope that I can keep this positive outlook going. Have a good week everyone! Cheers!
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