Monday, September 5, 2011

Good Things, Positive Thoughts

Hey everyone!  Happy Labor Day!  I read an interesting tidbit a couple days ago.  Pretty people make more money than people considered average.  (17% more for men and 12% more for women)  Now it didn't matter if you were tall or short or if you were thin or thick because a pretty/handsome face is still a pretty/handsome face.  That and seeing all these cute outfits on Pinterest started me thinking, I really need to not give in to my want to be comfy first, cute later.  I know that I feel more confident when I know I look good, turns out it could also help determine my pay.  The thing is I don't want to spend a ton of money to be fashionable.  I'm going to start looking for those classic pieces that you see coming back every season and discount knockoff pieces.  I also asked my mom for fashion and makeup lessons (no idea where I would get those but worth looking for).  I want to learn makeup basics, how to vary my routine, how to change from day to night looks, what to look for in new products, when to change out styles and products, and a great skin care program.  In my fashion lessons I want to go through my current wardrobe and create outfits, learn stores to go to to shop for discounted fashion, how to shop properly, how to change out my wardrobe according to seasons, create my own style, and how to update to keep up with fashion trends.  There is also an e-book I found that has 31 hair styles and tips that look super cute and could dress up any outfit.  As I'm re-reading this, I sound super vain, but I see it as a way to become more confident and happier with myself.  I'm still going to the gym and keeping up with that so I know I'm getting more fit, losing fat and gaining muscle.  I haven't lost any pounds though, so some days (you know those days when you feel crazy fat even though are aren't?) it gets a little discouraging. 
Later on this month I'll be attending a Woman in Faith conference for two days.  I'm a little nervous because the women that I know that attend these are older and therefore we have ways of going about things.  So it will be me trying to accept and work with other ideas and people with different values (not quite the correct word but that is all I'm coming up with).  I think it will be good for me and you can best bet believe that I'll blog about it. 
On the job front, I put in my resume for a job that I think would be the best for me.  I haven't heard anything about it yet, so this week I'm going to work on adjusting my resume to send off to other jobs.  I really like the idea of working in a dentist or doctors office at the front desk or somewhere with a similar position.  Wish me luck!
One other note, things with my husband have been pretty good.  Not that things have been bad, that is not what I'm saying at all.  I'm just saying things have been great!  He and I have made some decisions that make sense for us and will bring an exciting future.  I can't wait to share good news about the things that are coming! 
This Christmas I'm planning on making as many gifts as possible as long as they are actually cheaper than buying gifts.  I'm excited about people getting and enjoying their gifts and saving money.  I have been using Pinterest to get ideas mainly.  I need to start looking in other places but I love Pinterest.  It will be awesome if everything works out the way I'm hoping.  I'm going to start planning Christmas towards the end of October (for as little stress as possible) but I'm gift planning now to make sure I have enough time to make what I need to make. 
See how good I would be at being a stay at home mom?  Let's hope that one day that can happen.  I'm wishing happiness to you all, Cheers!


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